Tapestry Weaver


Spoken word / writing poetry, salsa dancing, improv, watching/creating theater, all other forms of creative expression, growth and healing, "artivism", integral coaching, culture, travel, languages (especially el espaňol et le franÇais), collaborative inquiry, integral life practices, integral philosophy, evolutionary enlightenment, spirituality and consciousness

1. I did not begin writing poetry until my thirties.  I can attest personally that it is possible to cultivate one 's inner muse at whatever age if we just allow ourselves the space and time to cultivate her.
2. I used to perform poetry at open mics at least a couple of days a week for probably 2 years.
3. I journal most days of the week.  It helps me to think clearly.
4. I would love one day to write a one-man show.
5. I would also love to facilitate discussions on how to evolve our current economic system.
6. As a kid I fantasized about being a dancer and a gymnast.
7. My father was a track star. My brother was a track star. So I decided in HS to also run track. I won my first race (which was a preliminary), developed shin splints shortly thereafter, and ultimately quit and never went back.  So much for my athletic prowess.....
8. I was class president in junior high three years running.
9. I was hospitalized once for overeating.
10. I have hiccuped at least once a day, everyday, since 8th grade.
11. I lived without a stove for a period of more than 3 years.
12. I am a junkie for personality assessments, though I have come to understand you have to hold these lightly. For years I was told I was a 6 on the Enneagram [but I am actually a 9 (8 wing, sexual subtype)]. I originally tested as INTJ on the Myers-Briggs test but now I'm pretty sure I'm INFP. I am a Leo but most people agree I don't present as one (I'm on the cusp of Cancer). I am a Ram in the Chinese calendar system and in numerology I am 36/9.
13. I took a strong interest inventory test years ago after ending my first job to help me think about new career choices. According to the test, I showed strong resonance with foreign language teachers, airline stewards, HS counselors, college professors, and audiologists. With the exception of audiologist, I could see myself doing all of these jobs.
14. My last job was as a creative arts therapist for adolescents with drug and alcohol problems.
15. In 2000 I spent a whole week on vacation in Barcelona and didn't see a single site. I was stuck sick in bed.
16. My three top places of interest to visit are Brazil, Netherlands, and Argentina.
17. I temporarily inherited a pet chicken. It just showed up at my house one day and stayed for almost a week. I noticed it disappeared when the rains appeared.
18. Money is not a big motivator for me in work. Location is. I took a $20,000 pay cut to take another job that was located somewhere I preferred.
19. Consciousness development (mine as well as others') is the most important thing in my life.
20. I feel immense gratitude for being alive at this particular moment in history.